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Xena Marama
Born 07/20/2009
OFA Hips (Prelims)/Good
OFA Elbows/ Normal
Eye Cerf# LR56468/20/0-9 Clear

Xena is our first chocolate and she has a very mellow personality and yet she shows the big dogs what she's all about. Xena is extremely sweet and learns quickly to all the commands given to her and she is very determined to please you. She has Canadian championship bloodlines from Chablais on her father's side and Keepsake on her mother's side. Many people think that chocolates are high strung and that is not true of the color of the dog, it has more to do with the bloodline and temperament and how well it has been trained. Xena's build is thick and strong in appearance, yet she is super sweet and has a soft disposition towards others. She has hazel eyes which look at you with absolute loyalty and love. She is a dream dog! There is nothing better when you can enjoy a family companion that loves to be right by your side no matter what else is going on. Thank you Judy for this wonderful loving little girl.
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